日時: | 平成30年7月20日(金)13:00~14:30 |
場所: | 広島大学大学院工学研究科A1棟141室(〒739-8527東広島市鏡山1-4-1) |
演題: | 「Protection and Survivable Control of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Against Malicious Attacks」 |
概要: | Technological advances in control, computing, communications, and social networking have generated intense interest in development of a new generation of highly interconnected and sensor rich systems that are employed in a variety of applications involving cyber and physical systems. These complex systems are becoming more distributed and computer networked which have necessitated development of novel computing, and communicating technologies that are pervasively human-centric and are ultimately envisaged to lead to a safer, more reliable and securer and better world. Due to major breakthroughs in software and cyber engineering technologies, embedded systems are increasingly being utilized in a wide scope of domains ranging from aerospace and next generation transportation systems, to process and automation systems, to smart grids, water treatment systems, and broadly speaking to what is known as critical cyber-physical systems (CPS) infrastructure. In particular, distributed control systems (DCS) provide a promising framework for addressing the above issues. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, networked controlled systems (NCS), wireless sensor networks (WSN), are now established paradigms utilized in many critical CPS infrastructure. The new generations of highly interconnected and networked engineering systems where NCS, WSN, and embedded systems are pervasively employed have contributed to the recognition of CPS as an area of strategic importance. The envisaged CPS infrastructure do more than ever require development of novel and proactive cyber protection technologies, as these systems are continuously being targeted by malicious attacks and intrusions by intelligent adversaries. The adversaries are capable of attacking core embedded control systems that are employed in all key CPS infrastructures. These scenarios do not exist and are not possible or similar to security challenges that are present in traditional IT systems. Our overall objectives in this talk is to provide background information as well as overview of the state-of-the-art technologies that are being investigated for development of formal and theoretical frameworks for design of optimal integration of attack and intrusion protection and survivable and resilient control recovery methodologies for critical CPS infrastructure with specific emphasize on applications to cyber physical power generation, smart grid, and industrial control systems. |
講師: | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, Professor Kash Khorasani 氏 |
問合せ先: | 広島大学 大学院工学研究科 電力・エネルギー工学 餘利野 直人,造賀 芳文,佐々木 豊 Tel:082-424-7668(佐々木直通),Fax:082-424-3586 e-mail:yusasaki@hiroshima-u.ac.jp(佐々木) |
参加料: | 無料 |
事前の 参加申込: |
不要 |
主催: | 電気学会中国支部 |
共催: | 照明学会中国支部 電気設備学会中国支部 映像情報メディア学会中国支部 情報処理学会中国支部 計測自動制御学会中国支部 電子情報通信学会中国支部 日本電気技術者協会中国支部 中国・四国工学教育協会産業教育部会 |